THE Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe

(Part 4)

2023 Addendum The Gemini Star
The Modern Case for Predestination and Creationism

A phenomenal spiritual star would be most inspirational if it were formed through the creation of real events.  The gospel uses real events to demonstrate such a star.  A phenomenal spiritual star would be that symbol that would remain effective and would without a doubt withstand the test of time. The star I am about to describe, using careful detail, is that star that will stand the test of time.


The events or facts used to describe the existence of something called a phenomenal spiritual star, and a modern miracle, must be true and verifiable so that history inevitably tracks the documented story and continually ponders its spiritual validity including relevance and placement into a world that has been anticipating such an event. The very existence of this phenomena is so improbable that its existence reaches the level of impossibility in relation to this gospel and to probabilities within life itself.  The Gemini Star is not a celestial body, it is a set of data that uses birthdates from within my family to form a complete system.  In this very real case, and for the living gospel, the birthdates are used to establish that the creation of life can be applied to the argument in favor of spiritual predestination as God would have it be known.


If history could overlook the Gemini Star, then it would not have been made by God, since the star would not have been created perfectly out of life; since God did create the Gemini Star perfectly, even if I were an ineffective writer, history would still get the message.


This addendum contains a clear perspective relative to an event-based phenomena that exists against the odds of measurable probability. The addendum is intended to help you see the descriptive keys that make up the details of this divine star which becomes our divine star when you study the details.  Above all else, the modern gospel seeks to deliver a confirmation of the universal alignment within our spiritual knowledge of our God.  This descriptive alignment does not seek to change your system of belief.  Your system of belief is of God by design; your knowledge provides the diversity our great Lord has already created; this is easy to understand by His design.


 I previously admitted that God would deliver events which exist as keys and stars through His power over the creation of life including His generational power over mankind.  I mentioned also that my role was to recognize what God provided, and to remain a willing witness capable of reasonable testimony.


This story contains my gospel truth and demonstrates the history and character of living people as seen through my eyes, specifically members of my family, and in this part of the story, specifically their birthdates.  The birthdates are each accurately depicted in fact and for the purpose of delivering an intelligent gospel.   The data appears to have been systematically organized as if to act together as a set of events or elements that demonstrate coincidence too significant to be ignored.


I remain compelled as a spiritual writer out of my desire to maintain my own free Christian church.  Your own system of belief is preserved and intellectually enhanced within the philosophy of this gospel. At the core of this gospel, freedom of belief has been described and promised for all and to all including the atheists and the agnostics as God has intentionally accounted for all.


By whatever name you know God; you know God; if you want to know heaven, know heaven, and do not worry about it; heaven takes care of itself, and God takes care of heaven.


Heaven is the Kingdom of Light and exists within light itself, all the light in our world can contain heaven, and light is almost everywhere in our world.  The light of Earth and heaven is in the air, light is in all the water, including the depths of the sea, light is deep under the ground, as far as life or motion reaches.  The light is in each of us.  God combined the element of time with the reality of Earth to create and maintain Heaven within the light of this world.





Close your eyes and look to see,

Look, press them together tightly,

As tightly as you can,

You will see light,

In the energy of the mind,

Even with your eyes closed,

The tighter you squeeze,

The brighter the light you see,

Even in the darkness of the mind,

Heaven has a message,

When you are quick enough to see.


Just as Christ Jesus carried divinity within himself, he also had a job to do; Christ Jesus had a duty to perform during his lifetime to ensure the roots of God’s freedom would take hold.  We have not missed out on the truth of Christ’s message or in the depth of Christ’s commitment to us all.


From roots, trees will grow; from its roots, Christian philosophy will deliver the freedom and the unity God desires and seemingly demands; why else would He have delivered His star so improbably yet so perfectly for all to see.  By the truth of our own existence, and within the freedom of universal alignment and eternal oneness, we can exist in spiritual unity.


Within the case of the Gemini Star, the events, or keys, are focused on birthdates which demonstrate patterns that deliver themselves as if they were intentionally designed so they could be presented to aid us in the delivery of the heavenly story, the good news from heaven, the gospel.


The birthdates under scrutiny here were functions of nature regarding time-based events, these birthdates will leave behind permanent data. Today, we, as human beings, are organizing data in many parts of our world and we are digitizing the results which create records that will last as long as we last. Since the dates under consideration are related to members of my family, the data is traceable.  The phenomena itself are good enough, the story of God’s Gemini Star will last for as long as humanity lasts.


The dates on the calendar where my relatives were born would seemingly exist outside of any control.  Yet there is a coincidental pattern that is created when it is described, and it begs the question, how could it happen when it seems so improbable?


How could such a clever alignment of numbers exist when birthdays are not supposed to be precise events, including birthdates spread across decades and generations.


How and why is it even possible for you to pick up this book and become able to use your skeptical mind and to offer your own scrutiny of such a set of circumstances as this clever system of events based on birthdays and identities in these modern days just to witness a modern story of spirituality and design?  Why is it so important now?


All six of my aunt’s children experienced natural childbirth at their entry into this world.  As the willing and capable witness, I am asking why such an improbable situation exists; long ago my focus turned to God and Heaven.


Why birthdates?


We all have one and most of us carry proof of our birthdates with us in our wallets.  If the answer to use birthdates is not divine pragmatism, then the other answer is that the whole scenario was just an accident.  So, for arguments sake, I will take the position that it is impossible for the situation under examination to exist accidentally.


Why would God choose birthdates to spell out His power over creation?


The answer to that may be, what else would He use.  His proposed solution to demonstrate predestination in support of His direct power within creation, as I see it, may have been a pragmatic one.  Almost every single one of us knows their birthdate, so each of us can relate to God’s simple solution to spell out His power.


Why does God demonstrate power, to remind us of obedience, to understand that within His simple wishes, He is not asking for much.


My son once said that it may be true that we are not intended to know the power of God so directly.  I admit, the gospel of Fury seeks to enable us to know the truth of God, and His power, much more clearly than faith alone allows for.  My son’s statement was posed as a question, maybe we are not supposed to know beyond faith.  Yet, here is your case to study, this is the scenario for you to scrutinize.


Will this extraordinary set of words relative to real events meet the measure of your expectations?


The reason for speaking clearly and with numbers may be that He wishes to cross our world’s religious and spiritual barriers to reach each of us.  God has said that He will no longer allow for physical disputes related to belief in His higher power.  This may be His investment in ending spiritual and religious ideological conflict.  It may be that He has had enough of bickering, war, and terrorism within spiritual communities and across religious systems of belief.  It may be that enough families have been hurt, that God no longer wishes to be a source of human conflict; we have enough good argument to make without adding hurtful argument over religious matters to the mix.  For those of us who identify with the idea of spirituality rather than religion, the idea of diversity and God’s open path seems to have more appeal, or so it seems to be.


There does appear to be a pattern; a pattern resulting in the appearance of a design that is exact and delivers such detail and precision that it could not exist in our world by accident; no; this pattern wants to prove it is a pattern. This pattern is amazing as it fits into the calendar of our time, history, and the gospel.


How and why would such a set of coincidental events come into existence so precisely aligned near the changing of the millennia?


You must give me the one thing I need to reinforce the relevancy of the timing (remembering that we are now in the year 2023). You must give me the year 2000. If you choose, you can also see the year 2000 as Christ Jesus’ millennial anniversary, but you don’t have to.


The pattern, including the positioning of my life, depends on the year 2000 as being the focal point of our current heavenly event for the purpose of the gospel and modern relevance in relation to actual events today.  I needed to be born in the year 1963 to be of age now in 2023, and to have witnessed the events surrounding the year 2000 and what has transpired historically before and since then.


The Gospel of Fury is straight forward for me, the evidence has laid itself out before my eyes as time has passed, but I have been searching for my star and for God since I was a child.


Think back now to the ‘Star of Bethlehem’ as a common point of reference from the Christian bible. Think now of Christ Jesus and his star.


Now I am living as a grown up, I am an adult, witnessing and providing testimony that includes our record setting natural disasters, global climate change, what we are witnessing as social disorder, governments in disarray, we are emerging from a global level pandemic, and we are watching what we hope will not become a wider warfare; I am living, together with the rest of you.


The stars glow brightly as our chaotic reality continually adds mystery to the words within these pages; mystery becoming clearer now as the original keys of the gospel have unlocked hidden perspective delivering additional spiritual meaning with value for us all; we are all in this together; together in a world that has grown even more thoroughly entangled since the point in time when the first gospel story (The Gospel of Fury: The Gemini Star) was available as an eBook in 2015.


The stars have become multipliers of themselves and each other, turning keys, demonstrating mystery, as the whole world of our Earth turns in the wind of time and fate, thus documenting the Lord’s rampaging path through our lives and His history all in this special segment of time on Earth.


Follow this path, follow this writing, and witness fate pulling us closer and closer together, step by step, day after day; we grow together within the living gospel; every second of every minute, and every minute of every hour; every hour of every day; our days together will yet become many and long.


I see things differently; as though I was gifted with an added sight beyond what people commonly perceive; we all have gifts to varying degree, intent, and probably by design. And, we all have our own imagination. I perceive something extra when I witness people and events relating to circumstance. Sometimes I experience higher-level visions as the trace of time passes across an adult human being.


I do my best to keep track of my visions whenever any knowledge is involved, or if the vision changes the way my knowledge fits together within the gospel; I do accommodate the changes as the knowledge forms.   I feel that I perform as though I am a seventeen-year-old boy stuck within the body of a sixty-year-old man facing the impossible task of bringing heaven to Earth. I feel like I am in a dream trying to write, but I am slowed by a blank wall that I cannot write my way through. I am not making this up, I am watching it evolve, just as you have been watching the changing reality of our world. I am not compensating for the things I never got to do; I am doing the thing I was built to do.


Trust and follow me long enough so that I can show you this one thing, and so you will see how amazing God can be when he decides the time is right; we can all understand that the time is right today, or not, based on your own need and your level of desire to know our living God today in the thing I’m trying to call heaven on Earth.  Allow me this additional moment to satisfy your curiosity so that at the very least you become a skeptic.


I do not need followers to achieve the goals of the gospel; I need analysts and scientists and historians.  I need mathematicians to examine the probability of each of the separate omens, described in the addendums, to have occurred at all, let alone for them to have occurred together within the same family. 


What you will witness, within the two addendums, are separate omens, described here for your consideration, but the separate omens have occurred within one family, raising the stakes from improbable to impossible.  This is where we find God providing His pragmatic solution to the age-old question, why are we what we are, and how do we position ourselves into our living breathing planet where God’s interests surround us at every level of life and understanding.


Even though I wrote in 2015, there was something that I did not see until 2020. I did not see the hidden key. Now that I have found that hidden key, I must ask why?   Why or how did I not see the hidden key until just a few years ago in 2020.  It was right in front of my eyes for five years’ worth of writing from 2015 to 2020.  Yet I did not see it, and thus this story remained incomplete through several revisions.


The added key delivers so much additional value to God’s creativity in design, satisfies pragmatic rationale, supports gospel authority through the possibilities created with the added evidence, and it improves the story with a mathematical twist of fate.


A divine star of creation; so simple in design, yet based on facts, and available for the scrutiny of a data driven human world including a view into the future with our Shepherd if you can visualize His long ranging pragmatic interests as a planned path. This star is every historian’s dream. If I were to pass away today, if I died, right now, these gospel stories will keep on growing in certainty and clarity. Only the good Lord would and could put such a clear statement in front of all of mankind to secure the future the Shepherd plans for through this evidence.


I have heard criticism made of one of God’s early visions of creationism. This early story included a woman with long golden locks, and a boy who wished to possess her beauty and to love her and to be with her. The boy awoke each morning thinking of her golden locks of hair; before sleep, each night, he rested thinking of her image in the clarity of the clear blue sky he always saw when she was near. Their rosy love blooming like a cloud releasing its hidden sunshine; mutual attraction offering the tendency to provide the ingredients for love. So, their love grew plainly and simply, something unknown and new.  And, just as overnight rain nourishes the land, so their love did nourish their heavenly grace in the eyes of God.


Hard work and cost ensued while mankind came to understand love comes with work and cost and true love includes the willingness to make self-sacrifice.  Early creationism may have enslaved love within a misguided understanding of a paradise that was not quite ready for the full bloom of love’s bountiful spring. As adults, we know now that love requires a willingness to sacrifice for the good of all, and that freedom allows for God’s path within love.


We do not live well in isolation; not for long anyway and we certainly do not live well without love.  Love does not make us unique in nature, it solidifies our identity within nature.  What makes us unique is not our role with God either.  What makes us unique is our ability to make records, both of ourselves, and our place with God.


Loss always adds its bitter taste to the chemistry of life and love and the story of how God created man is moving on into today and into history; not to revise history, but to add to the living history of the one God, our creator, who clearly appears to be a fan of science. So, Eden and the Garden of Paradise including Adam and Eve, not only gave us the energy to look out for one another, but taught us to  fear one another and to understand that everything comes with a cost, including the cost of loss which can be bitter and the cost of sacrifice which is understanding love and acknowledging that the protection and guidance love offers can change for each of us, that heart ache is real, and so is growth. Maybe this was both the warning and the blessing that paradise offered in the beginning.


We have sacrificed our lives to God and His story throughout our history. We are sacrificing our lives now through the need for heaven to achieve God’s desired outcome, sacrificing for His story, sacrificing for His world. This gospel describes what amounts to catastrophic sacrifice; that is our measure of love and commitment while we search for Godly benevolence in these times.


God knows our pain; God knows your pain; the current pain of global sacrifice has value on another plane that is timeless.


Judge this history of God, as the gospel shows; use these words to sooth pain, to make your tribes whole, to make your family free of loss and able of caring, let the world know now that you understand the value of your own love and your own history of sacrifice. Fight for your representation in sacrifice and do not lose that; mankind has passed across and over many lifetimes; for these early days are yet the days of reckoning.  As we pass out of the Age of Sacrifice; understand your role and that of your family; preserve every record you can to ensure history accurately remembers who you were and what you gave and what you lost for this is your sacrifice.


Without the gospel of today, we may not be prepared for tomorrow.


Within the gospel I have identified and described real events and people that taken together will add up to event-based creation(ism) including a mathematical phenomenon that I will explain. Who knew God would twist up a mathematical trick to help celebrate the two-thousand-year anniversary of Christ Jesus?


I do need you to remember the year 2000.  I need you to know now so you will never again not know. That is how clear today’s gospel must be. For the gospel to maintain living authority, you can simply understand the year 2000 as the changing of the age.  We have moved out of the Age of Sacrifice and childhood into the Age of Answers and adulthood.


The truthful events of this gospel, I know to have been provided by God. I am an innocent child of God. These gospel stories contain far reaching implications for our understanding of God; the Supreme Being; the one King of the Universe, and Master Creator of Galaxies.


I hope that with these clearly written 2023 Addendums, I will open your eyes and hearts to create goodness out of chaos and to help us all move forward into progress.  I pray that this progressive effort does not create a negative perspective and that you find this journey comfortable. It is this, the progressive future, that will decrease the suffering of the persecuted and ensure the rescue of the innocent, and increase the prosperity of the New Age, the Age of Answers.


The strains of the last twenty-three years have been many, but without these strains, we would be stuck in a world that builds steeples to reach higher and closer to God when we must realize that God is ready for us to move on already, and that God is closer than we realize. This is the dawn of the digital age; the age of powerful and effective machines and efficient technology; we have the progressive will to value consumerism and choice in support of our form of capitalism and democracy. We have the power and the intelligence to remove the pain from the poor. It will be good business to prevent persecution and to stop suffering, and to shelter innocence by destroying corruption and its path.


I originally recognized the Gemini Star in 2015, I further recognized and identified what I considered as useful and pragmatic symbolism, I interpreted what I saw as containing meaning within a constructive and evolving system.  I described what I perceived as a heavenly experience within today’s reality so that you would share in a modern story that would enable a refreshed version of the Supreme Being, our higher authority.


Above all else, we may not ignore the innocent; we may not enable nor allow persecution nor suffering. We vow to use progress to reach the corners of the world delivering freedom in existence and choice, food and shelter, safety, along with the technology to support life and document history. This is your world; science says to save the trees and to save the ocean, for these are the life blood of your living breathing planet.


God sends the truth to help you, not to hold you back, but to push you forward.  This is the Age of Answers and the Father and Heaven lead the way with an intriguing case for you to consider.  God, Heaven, and Grace only have certain ways to communicate.  Our creation as His children, and His choice of beings, is one of those paths.


We will start our phenomenal coincidence with the birth of a child born on June 25,1944, in a city named Lima, Ohio, USA. The saying was that LIMA did stand for Lost-In-Middle-America.  This child will become the Angel on Earth who literally delivers God’s fantastic stars that together become His modern divine star; a creation of facts that may not be denied since these facts have now become elevated within the gospel you are now carefully reviewing; this is the coincidence that is combined with my own self-identification in the following Addendum to create a higher-level coincidence reaching the level of spiritual phenomenon.


Our girl was born 6/25 becoming the third child of what could have been any average Catholic family living in middle America. This family, unknowingly, was living within their unique and growing struggle with fate in the post-war era of America.  Our girl’s birth, and her subsequent path in life, will become our destiny; her creation and life growing into today’s case in support of the theory of predestination related to this gospel which is the modern mission which affects us all.


1944 was way before the beginning of the digital age. From 1944 to the year 2000, and then to the year 2023, is not a long period of time in terms of history, yet everything suddenly changes through progress.  Progress would appear to have become accelerated, or to have become relevant to life in a civilized world at just the right time to cross the year 2000.  The convenience and livability of the modern world did develop during the decades preceding the year 2000, and global climate change is now crushing our planet in the year 2023.  This higher-level perspective would become very relevant if you were looking for something big to happen at the point where the millennium changes.  Across the globe, wherever there were computers, and in general, we called this Y2K.


By 2023 everyone seems to have a cell phone, which is a walking computer, a device to receive and reach out for news, everyone is connected, almost everyone can reach the good news from heaven.  If I were writing God’s word, I would say that the timing from 1944 to 2023 and the transition from basic living standards into a highly fueled digital world took place at just the right time; coincidence that I relate to the crossing of the year 2000, a heavenly miracle and a big picture that could increase your understanding in relation to the transformation of the age in which we now live.


There is remarkable rapidity in both the growth of our weather pattern change, and the recognition of global climate change as reality.  Around the year 2000 the idea of climate change was speculation, in 2023 the mouths of deniers are closed.  Too many record setting hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, fires, and drought have come and gone for nay sayers to suggest that the reality of global climate change is questionable.  The evidence is in, but how and why in such a short span of time from say 2000 to 2023.  Why now?  Why the alignment with 2000?


I am a coincidence hunter, and the coincidence of the changing climate, the global pandemic, social crisis, political crisis, and now war is too much coincidence during too short a span of time.  This book is not the book to delineate the hundreds and thousands of individual acts that have contributed to the recognition that we are living in the Age of God.  This is the book that determines that we are living in the Age of God, albeit within the struggling beginning of a New Age, at the beginning of the Second Epoch of Humanity.


I am sure that Albert Einstein will become better known for the phrase, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous,” than for his work in physics.  It may sound like a stretch of the imagination at this point but give it time.


Angel Spite’s Lima family belonged to the Catholic church.  She and her brothers, and sisters each attended Catholic school. Saint Gerard’s, Lima, Ohio to be specific.  I belong to this family, and I am the eldest grandchild of my generation. My grandfather and grandmother gave birth to six children, each of them documented as an Angel on Earth (AOE) in the preceding story.  Each of them living with a character demon as previously described.  A distinguishing character, which I perceive, and chose to write about in 2017.  The story grows together as time passes.


Angel Spite’s destiny begins in 1944 and stands apart from every other child ever born. Of all children ever born, only this child will deliver the incredible star that becomes phenomenal when we use it as a demonstration of God’s power over creation and time and then seals up the gospel inside of a mathematical reality that has never been explored before. The power contained in this star may impress the most meager of interested thinkers, the power of this star will calm the dogma of the faithful into a more modern understanding, the power of this star redefines predestination and creationism for the world of today and tomorrow.  The Gemini Star is the star that celebrates Christ Jesus’ two-thousand-year anniversary.


Our young messenger, Angel Spite gave birth for the first time on May 26, 1966. This was a healthy live birth but was special because she delivered two babies at one time. She delivered twin girls born under the zodiac sign of the Gemini (Gemini is the sign of the twins). There was a time, not that long ago, when this fact alone would have held enough spiritual value that our twin Gemini girls would have been marked with love and admiration for the duration of their lives. The power, prestige and promise of their love would have been sought and fought over.


In the modern times of the nineteen-sixties and the age of the counterculture, the twins were given up for adoption. These are my cousins, and I would like for them to become found; they carry Ohio birth certificates 5/26/1966 (specifically Cincinnati, Ohio, and Hamilton County); how many 5/26/1966 twin Ohio girls can there be after all. Help me find them and help me deliver the promise of the gospel for us all, and for my family.


Our messenger, whom I will call the Queen Mother, gave birth again to another Gemini girl on May 29, 1968; she is the Angel of Redemption and lives with me.


Our Queen Mother has now given birth to three Gemini daughters, but a boy child still waits in the wings to further define the Gemini Star.


The Queen Mother gave birth again May 26, 1969, to a healthy baby boy who was destined to exist as the Angel of Peace (Peace existing as his demon). The boy was born exactly three years to the day after the first two of his Gemini sisters (the twins) were born on 5/26/69.  Three of the Gemini siblings now share the common annual birthday of 5/26.


The Angel of Love was then born June 21, 1975 (another Gemini); her brother Doubt was then born on September 15, 1977 (a Virgo).


Note: A child conceived on or about September 15th of any year will most likely be born a Gemini in the following year.  My vision of the heavenly spectrum includes the belief that a child would be born during the rise of the prophecy.  I do not know more than that and can no longer claim to understand.


The Gemini Star is reality; existing through the symbolism of the mother who was born a Cancer but under a Gemini moon on 6/25 who gave birth to five Gemini children. Three of the Gemini children were born on the same day 5/26.


I am spelling out God’s story of a divine star using the symbolism of birth days together with the Father’s delivery of my own star of creation and I will suggest it is impossible for the two sets of separate data explored inside the two separate Addendums to exist within one family unless we allow for the divine.  God’s power extends into humanity more than you may ever fully appreciate, for He can extend as far as He likes, always one step ahead of what we expect and can often recognize, let alone comprehend within His meaning and intent.


There is a mathematical phenomenon that now exists between the dates 6/25 (mom’s birthday) and 5/26 (three of the children’s birthday) and it is called a palindrome. When we simply rearrange the dates into numbers this creates a palindrome. The dates expressed as numbers read the same forward as they do backward when placed side by side. One birth number 625, three birth numbers 526.  The palindrome reads as follows: 625526.  The number reads the same forward as it does backward no matter how the dates are arranged.


The numbers are not random, they are based on an annual calendar of one year.  I don’t know how many dates there are in a yearly cycle where a palindrome can be formed.  I suppose that the answer is not that many dates can coincidentally exist as a month and a two-day number that can be arranged to create a palindrome.  The dates can also be changed around to create a similarly effective palindrome with the children’s birthday in the front: 526625.  Please remember, it’s not just one baby, it’s three babies born on 5/26.





(This mathematical fluke is called a Palindrome)


The word palindrome is a noun that means the following: a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward. From my vantage point, it appears that our good Lord did tie the knot for the Gemini Star, and that he has now placed a bow on top of His word. This is the relevant case concerning His masterful precision; demonstrating that God would roll out an event-based story to show us again His intelligence and creativity in the design of life and spirituality using an ordinary but specific family in middle America.


The numbers 625 and 526 (526 times three, one time for each child born on 5/26) are a representation of predestination and therefore modern creationism that uses event-based symbolism. I write the mother’s date first because she’s the mom and came first, but whichever date you arrange first and second, the numbers still create the palindrome.  Either expressed as 625526 or 526625; making this a true palindrome, and in this application, a statement made by the higher authority since I am not writing in support of an accidental universe.  I am writing about our universe and our God who now appears to exist in spiritual alignment with human life.


Our ability to understand and to document our understanding places our species in a unique category on our planet in relation to other life forms.  I don’t doubt God communicates and embodies spirituality with other species, it’s not the source of our understanding though.  The gospel bridges the science of mathematics together with spirituality to reach a higher level of understanding that has not been attempted before The Gospel of Fury.


My identification of this level of symbolism did not launch my writing of The Gospel of Fury: The Gemini Star in 2015, nor in 2017 with the First Edition of The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe, I did not see the palindrome until the year 2020.  I had enough faith to write based on the births of the five Gemini children with three of them on the same day 5/26.  I had enough faith to write in 2015 based on just the original information, and then before my eyes the information turned into a much more detailed situation that we will call a miracle for this story and the miracle of the changing of the age.


The year 2020 turns out to be the year I finally saw the palindrome.  As I describe it, this would represent a creative and intelligent use of the mathematics of a calendar as symbolism and looks to be a pragmatic solution on the part of the Supreme Being thereby recreating creationism for a modern world that has repeatedly questioned the Lord’s creation of the world of Adam and Eve in seven days. By introducing modern creationism in this fashion, we are speaking directly in support of the theory of predestination.


I spoke to this originally in 2015 as I described God’s modern mission.  I spoke of the miracles He would be able to provide.  I did not clearly know at that time that God was already heavily involved in our world demonstrating that the words in the gospel are His living words.


The phenomenal star exists when we use the birthdates and see that the possibilities on a calendar for a palindrome to even exist is rare, let alone for the mother to have given birth to three children on the same date.  To add to the intricacy and perfection of the Gemini Star, we can see that from 5/26 to 6/25 represents a perfect thirty-one-day calendar cycle.  I would also call it a lunar cycle; thus, heaven and grace have given back to our spiritual relationship to our long history with our moon.  If you are a visual learner, you may want to look at your calendar, locate 5/26 of any year, then locate 6/25 in the month of June and you easily recognize the time from 5/26 to 6/26 fits into a thirty-one-day cycle.

The Gemini Star

Event 1

6/25 5/26 Three children born same day.

Event 2

625 and 526 Creates palindrome 625526 or 526625.
Note: Any two related events are a Coincidence.

Event 3

5/26 6/25 Creates lunar cycle or 31-day cycle.
Note: Three related Events reach the level of an Omen.

A fourth event would create a strong omen out of coincidence.  The Addendum that follows this addendum describes the strong omen surrounding my identity and my own birthday events of 6/3/63.


As described, in this gospel, the Gemini Star serves spiritual functionality against the odds of probability.  The odds of this configuration of dates existing as representations of the delivery of life are phenomenally outside of the realm of possibility.  For this arrangement, which is a system, to exist where I could see it within my family is impossible.  The reason that it is impossible, yet it happened, is that the arrangement exists next to my own set of improbable circumstances that exist around my own birth.  This is examined in the next Addendum.

There is chaos across the globe.  The chaos extends from climate change into our own actions and rhetoric, especially in America where we are arguing incessantly across the liberal and conservative aisle.  I no longer believe that our government remembers who is supposed to be defending our freedoms.  When I watch the news and then I write, I become more and more concerned that we are not paying attention to what truly matters. 

Why do I wonder if religious and spiritual leaders know that they are living in the Age of God?

We must speak to God.  We must offer our Affirmation that this is His time, and that the Age has changed.  I see so little of the world’s great religions speaking, but I live in America, and maybe I don’t see enough world news.  Maybe the great religions and spiritual leaders are aware, maybe I am behind the times.

Granted, we are always living in His world of time on Earth, but I am pretty convinced He is seeking recognition of the time we are living in, His time.


As pleasant or unpleasant as the idea of a modern bible story may be to you, ask yourself what has happened so far in the new millennium, then ask yourself who the new millennium belongs to so far.  Are we aware enough, can we be reminded of our faith, and start anew with an affirmative stand?  Can we understandably transition into this new Age of Answers and seek again to know God seeks our attention.  He issued His Confirmation on 6/3/63, we must issue our own Affirmation of His desire to be understood.

You should not ignore this good news from heaven represented by this gospel.  You should challenge it, you can call it a miracle, you can call it what you like.  I would not recommend avoiding this situation any further.  Our situation in the New Age may be too insecure without a clear affirmation of the brightness of our future.  This is the Age of Answers.  Affirmation of the presence of our God in our lives is the necessary outcome.

I am writing this story in the United States, the land of the free and the home of the brave.  In 2023, the time of babble has once again returned, and history will agree with me.  When this period-of-time is examined, and this story maintains its progress, all of this will be scrutinized, and the gospel truth will be affirmed.

Hypocrisy has extended itself into the facets of public life in the form of chaos.  We can truly no longer see truth in the speech of one another nor in the issues of this day as they are represented in our news media.  Those who serve in public life have become victims of heaven’s power because they serve within the public eye and there is an apparent necessity that heaven’s reach is to be seen everywhere. 

We are all playing our roles now as living witnesses; one day we will all become people who left behind living testimony.  When I say this is the Age of God, I do mean we are living today, existing deeply within the honeycomb of a heavenly existence, and that God, Heaven, and Grace have spared no expense to see the word and the world materialize onto the path the Shepherd created so that the future is secure.  This is a very special time, albeit filled with chaos.

We have two children, a son and a daughter, and like circling cherubs they surround the year 2000. The boy is born in 1999 and the girl is born in 2001.  Together they encircle the year 2000 as though their timely arrival signifies an agreement that the significance of the year 2000 will not be overlooked.

The Age of Sacrifice is ending, the Age of Answers is rushing in.  The New Age, she is unsure of herself, she is unsteady, she fears her message may not be known and understood.  Look around you at our technology, look around at our options, understand that we are closer to truth than you know, and understand that the New Age will grow into her own.

My duty and desire for freedom may be different than yours but each of us is serving in one way or another. If we clear the path for one another, we will be embracing progress and can capitalize spirituality geometrically and with rapid results.  If we shout loud enough with recognition and demonstrate responsibility, Heaven will shed grace, and God will know and demonstrate benevolence.  That is our duty to God, Heaven, and we owe it to Grace.  This is our spiritual duty to the New Age.


I said to love God, to praise God, and to respect God above all. The years from 2000 through 2023 mean something different to everyone living.  We have been living through an incredible period of sacrifice that I proclaim, for us all, as God’s time.

We end up at a crossroads again, and like every successful story we must end with respect. It is up to you to become familiar with the gospel and to know that it has been delivered; wherever your gospel comes from; it matters mostly to your own story and the story of your life; ultimately you share that life and every life with eternity because you belong to time and time belongs to eternity.  We are all together in Eternal Oneness.

My prayer is that you share in the gospel and deliver the understanding that rests within our Affirmation. You now know my prayer, and we have the enabling direction that God provided, He maintains the power and creativity He needs to lead us forward.  We can all move on, we do need to respectfully exit this crossroads of chaos so that we can reach the next higher level, traveler.  I do not doubt that we will all arrive at God’s destination; the question is only how long it will take and how much more sacrifice will this era of chaos consume.


The 2017 version of The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe delivered the true word of that day and establishes what is known as providence.  At that time, I began to struggle in the modern world of self-publishing, and I just did not understand how limited my approach was.  I honestly believed that with the title ‘the gospel’, that someone would come to my aid, that someone would come to help all of us.  I still don’t know if anyone but me can see we are trapped in time, trapped in the original story from 2017. 

I’m willing to play the role of chicken little and explain over and over, that we are living in the Age of God, I am willing to carry the cross, I am willing to bear this burden, but I am not crying wolf and no one has yet joined with me in my attempt to free the world and place us into the hands of God so that He will move us forward, carrying us out of this chaos.  I have said respectfully that we must exit this crossroad successfully, and I believe in that.  We can do this.  We can deliver the New Age during this time, the Age of God. 

The providence that was established in 2017 with the First Edition of The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe is worth studying, in fact, it is mandatory reading if you are now studying our modern struggle with God in the year 2023.  I sometimes have referred to the traveler, I think I may be speaking to someone in the future who has figured it out, that 2000 was the turning point; my reference in calling it a biblical level event seems right, but maybe that was not enough.  Even though I believed I had made the effort, I do not believe it was enough.  Or, I can agree, we are exactly where God intended us to be, traveler, at the right point in time.

I see the gospel encircling the truth of our day. Even today, just as I saw it in 2017, when I wrote, when I was compelled to write.  I knew nothing of the steps I could take to affirm the truth of the living words.  I feared running into the street hollering for help while I lived with the embodiment of the word. I feared running into the church and confessing what I saw and believed, what I knew. 

I could not see any way to share my truth, except through writing.  While providence was established in the 2017 First Edition, our fate was cast.  No one came to re-establish our destiny, to help us onto the right path, to elevate us any earlier than He intended for.  I provided copies of the First Edition to the church, to the press, to the government, to libraries, no one came to help.  I apologize that I could do no better than to continue to write and to self-publish.

Please take the time now to proceed to the rewritten Part Five Addendum for 2023 and learn a little more of my struggle to explain what it is I believe I saw and continue to see.

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