THE Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe

(Part 5)

2023 Addendum
Confirmation Day

The Complete Case for Predestination and Creationism

I now know that my testimony within this gospel could not be complete without providing you my true name.  I won’t give you my whole name, I won’t give you my last name, just the part relevant to the story.  My middle name is relevant, and I like the name, and I like the way it sounds together with my first name, this is how I hope to be remembered.

This is my story of God and Christ.


My true Christian name is directly related to God’s modern miracle and is relevant.  Without showing you the modern miracle clearly and with ease, my life would not be complete, nor would it remain truthful.  Take this moment to remember, I am the person here who is writing about spiritual predestination.  I am the person who became the willing by putting his story and his life on the line, willingly stepping onto the path God laid for us in modern times within this very written word.


Kevin Andrew is my name, that is my first name and my middle name together.  This is how I choose to be known and remembered.  I have demonstrated God’s miracles, His desires, and His gifts throughout the pages of this book.


I was born and named on the third day as described by Christ Jesus according to the original Christian testament, himself stating he would arise on the third day, that day for our time is 6/3/63, the third day of June in 1963 was a Monday as it happened.  This day, 6/3 of ’63, is the third day described in ancient times and it is being used again in modern times, the day of resurrection, salvation, and even more.  June the third of 1963 is the day of history where God delivers His all-important Confirmation.


The word Confirmation used in this gospel refers to the confirmation that God cares and is with us, and that the changing of the spiritual Age is upon us.  We can only be sure of this by looking backward in time and by witnessing what has taken place in spiritual terms during the last century and during our current circumstance in the new millennium.


I have identified the transition from the Age of Sacrifice into the Age of Answers as occurring at the mark of the year 2000.  I have explained this using a free Christian perspective.  This gospel is not only designed for Christians, just the opposite is true, this gospel is created for all the free people of this world and the next world, both for the willing and for the unwilling, for God did so include us all in His plan.


I grew into life and into adulthood expecting Jesus to return.  I accepted his resurrection and then anticipated the second coming of Christ.  I studied with the Lord and asked how He would do this.  How would He bring Christ again and would our modern Christ be Jesus himself resurrected 2000 years after his original life. Jesus provided the answer through the explanation of Eternal Oneness.


Heaven, as part of eternity and time, is different than life.  Scratch yourself on the arm, and you will feel life.  Remember the last dream you can remember; the dream is like heavenly existence; there is a difference.  Value your life, knowing God also knows what it is to suffer; know that all of life’s memories are trapped in time and held within the Kingdom of Light as time is a subject of eternity.


I have waited and waited; I have watched the year 2000 pass, the anniversary of Christ, and I waited, and I watched for the signs of God that began to come in earnest about the year 2000, and my testimony states those signs that are of God’s presence continue through our time today, currently the year 2023.  I became personally involved in 2015 when I began documenting my own testimony and furthering the potential of my witness.


The name Kevin Andrew is the name I was given at birth on the day of my birth 6/3/1963.  The name Kevin is the data element I accept and use to deliver what I am calling God’s miracle of the Confirmation of the Changing of the Age.


The name Kevin has its original roots in the meanings of both “handsome” and “birth”.  God is not without cleverness in His designs.  The name Andrew, from the apostle and saint, Andrew can refer to the “First Called”.  God is not without intelligence when He creates.


It would be inappropriate to say that this story belonged to me, or that I should have kept it to myself.  This narrative has great value and was designed to be shared.


I am using the improbability of so much coincidence within my life that it becomes enough coincidence to represent heavenly miracle rather than accidental occurrence and will end up appearing as though designed out of purpose to assure us of our fate which is just one goal of our God.


This gospel helps us to understand rebirth or predestination, and salvation through the documentation of clever coincidence which is applied here to clarify an afterlife which we generally call heaven.  The gospel’s objective does not appear to be more concerned with heaven than it does with us living with one another in harmony and in freedom.  Much of spirituality remains unconcerned with an afterlife, but we are all concerned with our future and living together successfully.


As fate would have it, on the day my life started, data elements or real events came into existence as facts that would later help me to unlock knowledge which concerns the mystery of our modern age and God’s relevance to our continuing history.  The presence of fact related to my identity and our history grew into a spiritual appreciation which has evolved into intelligence regarding our reality that becomes our shared history.


Today, I can see an extraordinary world that is totally caught up in a struggle to release itself from an apocalyptic age ending scourge that has turned itself into a bible story.  At the same time, I see an incoming tide of heavenly grace that will surely accompany the beginning of this New Age.  My statement to you is that this knowledge of our troubled times is nothing less than divine in nature.  A divinity that is spread amongst us every day through news and life.  These are the days where God shared His being with us, painful at many times, blessed in the moments where we see or feel His presence in a gentler moment.


Heaven and God have their interests included in the news of this biblical level scourge.  As unfortunate as it may sound, as humans, we might recognize a continual cycle of disasters as a heavenly signal, and we might question God as to the reason for the punishment and beg for relief. In the case of this story, the scourge is being used to mark the ending of the First Epoch of Humanity, and the beginning of the Second Epoch of Humanity.


A heavenly scourge is easier for us all to see because we cannot usually differentiate one period of heavenly love from another period of heavenly love.  Periods of love and peace keep us happy and busy, but continual times of goodness do not create a trend toward the creation of knowledge that God is upon us to press us into the need for holy recognition at a time when God is asking for it.  The fulfillment of this holy need is called the modern Affirmation.


The modern Affirmation will occur on our side of existence.  To put it simply, God issues His Confirmation on the described Third Day, we as His people will issue our Affirmation and the age will come into its own.  Together the Confirmation and the Affirmation will release the freedoms that come with the new age.  Another way to say this, is to say God will escort the old age out, and we will welcome the new age in.


Traveler, I see the scourge plainly beginning very near the year two thousand.  I see everything focusing on the year two thousand and beyond.  I see God focused.  I see that benevolence means more than we know.


At any moment, we are each of us either willing or we are unwilling.  So, ask yourself if you can see the scourge or if you see a bunch of accidents occurring at the same time the climate is changing, and then ask yourself does my answer mean I am willing, or does my answer mean I am possibly unwilling.


Intelligence says that we can make the difference when we come to know our spiritual reality a little closer.  With just a few of us knowing God is with us, we encourage the scourge to complete itself and for heavenly love and peace (calm) to return.  Then we will know and then appreciate love and peace (calm) further and understand His benevolence better and more completely.


Benevolence can become easier to see, feel and to understand, and then exist as God’s generosity, when He sees or feels our acknowledgement or affirmation that He has completed the effort.


As people, we already anticipate love and peace in exchange for worship, and in this case His call for the Affirmation should yield similar results.  Common effort and spiritual education that may not even be exactly directed toward heaven and two thousand years of life count toward our common goal of open worship or demonstration and will result in what we know as benevolence and then the departure of the scourge.  That’s what I’m saying about making the effort.


Trust me, God sees us generously today, and is looking to satisfy everyone’s needs including His own.  With many, many tasks ahead of Him, the Father also is interested in setting the scourge to the side.  We can just know; no oath required; no asking you to accept the Father or any form of belief for that matter; just asking to change the cycle and enable the effort to run its course exactly like a vaccine would add protection during a pandemic.  Talking about God and Heaven will help our world get through these times of babble and disaster after disaster.  We may have to work on climate change together.


If you think you might be the willing, be careful, these are the times when we are being asked to hold God’s hand; in that moment of embrace you will become willing or unwilling based on the Father’s desire.


One personal moment of absolute clarity occurred when Kim Potter, an American, a veteran police officer, intended to pull her taser to disable a suspect but instead pulled her service revolver and shot the suspect who died.  I do not know how or when you see God, but my testimony says that I saw God in that moment, and I saw the unwilling become the willing for that one moment of time when Kim unwittingly became a pawn in the struggle for balance between heaven and earth.  The cruelty of that moment does not make us think of a good and benevolent God nor does it suggest a Heaven too concerned with justice.  The cruelty in that moment spread in every direction affecting those directly involved and all of America as we witnessed one more unimaginable possibility become our reality.


I am not recounting sacrifice and balance currently in this story.  I am admitting that too many people are suffering and that we can work together to end the heavenly scourge and return to our own calamity and chaos, which is enough to deal with without Heaven’s added determination, along with Grace, to attract attention for God.


Without knowing my name traveler, you may not be able to put the pieces together fully, and therefore you would not know that a true messenger and writer of prophecy is making the effort.


It takes two events, also called elements, to make a coincidence; although two events remain a coincidence, three events occurring together become more convincing and can then be called an omen.  It is true that I have based my spiritual life on coincidence and the presence of omens.


Real events or elements occurring coincidentally, or together, which are factual, can become a legitimate measure of our spiritual knowledge.  Any three-event coincidence becomes a more powerful thing called an omen and should require no more evidence and should establish real spiritual knowledge when presented to a rational intelligent person open to spirituality.  Hence the quote from the well-known scientist Albert Einstein who stated that, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous”.  Hence, the opposite is also true, which is what Einstein was saying.  The presence of coincidence is a method which God can use to show Himself.


Therefore, the presence of coincidence, at what we’ll refer to as the omen level, is one of God’s ways of demonstrating to us.  My own sets of coincidence were upon me prior to learning of the famous quote; using the quote in the gospel seems to occur naturally and to bolster the thesis of the story.  So, again, I thank God and providence.


The omen that exists around my birthday, therefore, is a satisfied omen. The event-based omen on the day of my birth seals us into the possibility that there is a reason to be concerned, and so I see creation’s message within my life, and within the lives of my aunt and her three children as well.


The three matching birthdays of her children on 5/26, and their mother’s birthday of 6/25 create a necessary second omen or a separate set of facts.  I called this event the Gemini Star in 2015, although I had not yet recognized that the dates created a palindrome or that the length of days from 5/26 to 6/25 also demonstrates a perfect lunar cycle. I was writing on faith, God later opened the further miracle of the events, and then my eyes saw suddenly in the year 2020.


Without the presence of two separated omens, or separate sets of facts, there is no higher-level coincidence.  I, myself, on my own with 6363, could only exist as an oddity who happened to be born the day the Pope died. However, combining my birthing omen with the omen of the palindrome 625526 creates a higher-level of coincidence made up of individual sets of facts that probability says cannot exist within the same family group.  In other words, the odds against these facts occurring within one family are astronomically against the occurrence.


To see into the truth,

you will have to start yourself off at eccentricity,

hope that you reach improbability,

then discover the impossible;

this is where you will find God;

(in the impossible).


Traveler, it is up to you now to decide if the two coincidences together (side by side in one family) represent a situation that is extraordinary enough to end up becoming convincing enough to exist as divinity and to have been placed into existence into our world at exactly the right time to solidify the theory of predestination and to put Heaven and God into our spiritual reality and our history of understanding at this precise moment.


It was no accident that when I began writing that I wrote as ‘Fury’.  Fury is my demon.  My heavenly purpose is to study the emotion fury.  It takes a lot of pressure for me to become infuriated; I avoid becoming infuriated but value the demon just the same.  The demon fury is there when I have need for my own reverence.  That is all I know.  We have every reason not to explore the demon within, I do know that as well, I don’t handle adrenaline well.


It took most of my life to admit that I must commit, and that I have no choice now but to answer the call of God head on.  It is my duty to explain to you that we are witnessing the passing of the Age of Sacrifice and that we are at the beginning of the Age of Answers.  Before the Age of Sacrifice may properly be laid to rest, we must put an end to the scourge. 


To end the scourge, all we must do is put God back into the news and affirm the gospel.  This will be the way to satisfy an already benevolent God who wants His honorable mention during the digital age.  We just must admit that the weight of the evidence would lead any reasonable human being into asking the question, could all this constant chaos and calamity be the work of Heaven and God?


If the start of the century record-breaking streak of natural and manmade disasters convinces you that we are in a biblical level event, then also ask, can we put a stop to this modern event by demonstrating with the spiritual story that effort could be enough to light up the world sufficiently for God and Heaven to put an end to the chaos and maybe help us to cool off climate change just a bit.


Journalists, documentarians, writers, artists, entertainers, all the people can each help just by knowing God cared enough to both appreciate the buildup to the year 2000 known as “Y2K”, and to send the obligatory scourge or calamity to start off the Second Epoch of Humanity at the year 2000 which is the beginning of the Age of Answers.  How you account for the coincidence of global climate change occurring near to this time frame, is your own speculation if indeed you are speculating (speculation being a good thing). 


We did nothing wrong, we neither offended God nor Heaven; there was no way to avoid the disaster of the New York 9/11 terrorist attack; there was no way we were not destined to suffer through global climate change at this time.  The news is that Europe has flooded where there was no flood before, more forest fires are predicted again this season, record breaking heatwaves in places not normally hot; the pandemic and its variant rages creating chaos; in addition, we are living in worldwide social disorder which includes a widening war.  There was, and is, no way God will be left out of His story.


I am here to defend mankind’s place with God and to represent His heavenly involvement in our future.  It is my duty, with the people, to help us understand this apparent biblical level chaos, and its place in history.


I say the scourge began at the changing of the millennium.  While we correctly celebrated Christ Jesus’ millennial anniversary, the scourge was coming regardless.  God, the Master Creator of Galaxies, wants His modern story.


Now, I am grown, and I am witnessing the heavenly layer in action; I call that insight the Gift of Recognition.


We started our journey through time and events with the Catholic Pope who passed correctly on 6/3/1963, and we climbed to the year 2000 and from there, descend once again into today in 2023 and we have revisited some recent events including the one event with police officer Kim Potter that caused me to shout stop; stop the scourge now, please stop.


My foundation is built around the western world’s Christian heritage and history and specifically the message of Apostle Paul; I depart (from Peter and the Universal Church but do not deny the church everything it needs) in favor of an inclusive interpretation of Christ’s message which is somewhat different than what we see practiced around the world today.  This modern gospel accounts for every one of us in God’s plan.  From the beginning of even an unknowing life and into the everlasting existence of heaven.  The story of the apostle Paul, who continually searched for Christ’s heaven on Earth, is where this gospel truly exists along with the life it holds.


My calling came first at the age of nineteen, “If not you, then who?  If not you, then who?”  So, the refrain went on and on.  I assumed everyone received the same message, and that was “the calling”.  At that time my answer was, “that’s great news, priest radio, great news; indeed, I am sure you have the right people or person picked out, or you have someone in mind”, but Kevin Andrew was too preoccupied with youth and college. I was more of a middle of the road guy back in those days and the priesthood was not something to consider actively.


I was named Kevin on the third day of June in 1963, which is the same day of the year every year that Saint Kevin of Glendalough (an Irish Saint) died.  Because Saint Kevin died on 6/3, his annual feast day also became the third day of June.  There is a coincidence of the two measurable events of Saint Kevin’s feast day and my own birthday both occurring on 6/3 since my name is Kevin also.  A coincidence, that I cannot keep to myself; I eventually understood heaven’s call.


Within this narrative, which I call the gospel truth, the events of June 3rd and the name Kevin become historic coincidence reaching the level of an omen due to the addition of more and more facts related to the date 6/3/63.  We need a significant third event which would include something as rare and unusual as a Catholic Pope passing on the exact same day as my birth on 6/3/63.


The Pope, as leader of the Christian world, and the Church of Saint Peter, did die correctly on June 3rd, 1963, the day of my birth.  The Catholic Pope and God did meet correctly, and directly, on Earth, in the middle of time, on June the third in the year 1963.  Through this coincidence, the finger of God, through His own creative design, while representing predestination together with theories of creationism, touched together with what has historically been labeled as God’s emissary on Earth, the Pope.


I did mention that I would not deny the church what it needed.  I also said that this gospel is not specifically for knowing Christians, this gospel extends across God’s Earth including its free people of all nations and spirituality, and to those who don’t really practice a spiritual life; there is nothing to worry about.  He loves us each enough not to worry about it, He loves us all enough, together with Christ, do not worry about it; He does want to deliver His story.  Please, be forgiving if you perceive the gospel to offend your religion or your practices.  It is not my understanding that this would be the wish of God, the opposite is true, He appreciates diversity above all things, this is the way.


The “Unexpected Pope” delivered much.  He accomplished more than was expected of him and therefore he became known as the “Unexpected Pope”.  He was later provided with Sainthood on September 3rd, of the year 2000.


Some churches celebrate the Pope’s feast day as the 3rd of June, which I am establishing in the gospel (Fury 3.0) as the Third Day or in the case of June 3rd, 1963, as God’s Day of Confirmation and I wish to offer that to all free people seeking God.


With mention of the death of Pope John, I add a third fact or data element to the coincidences related to myself on the day I was born.  I also appreciate and remain thankful for the seal of the holy spirit that comes with the Pope to link common coincidence to the truth found within divinity; I then need my birth star (6363) to exist together with the “Gemini Star” (625526) to establish an extraordinary set of coincidence.

Confirmation Day

Event 1

Kevin Andrew born 6/3/63

An event


Event 2

Saint Kevin Feast Day 6/3 Every Year

A Coincidence


Event 3

6/3/63 Exists as the Third Day and Confirmation Day

An Omen


Event 4

Pope John XXIII Passes 6/3/63

A strong Omen


I did not create the events of Part Four and Part Five Addendums.  It was my role to describe the events. 

The fourth event of Confirmation Day raises the coincidence into a strong alignment, also called a strong Omen.

We all, who exist within the spirituality of the Earth, the universe it belongs to, God’s universe, need this extraordinary coincidence of events that exist in alignment with the living gospel for my witness and testimony to stand the test of time and to satisfy the scrutiny of history.

My birth star and my aunt’s Gemini Star together give Heaven and God their modern story of predestination and therefore creationism if you are willing and you were looking for the modern story which I have also been waiting on.

My name is Kevin Andrew, I have made every attempt to deliver the modern gospel in a righteous manner, I am arisen through the Apostle Paul, who never gave up looking for heaven on Earth, and I am a natural member of the Universal church. I do not believe in an accidental universe; I believe in an intentionally designed universe whose heart contains our God, our Earth, and the lives of all our peoples for all of time as preserved in the light of heaven.

I was born on a Monday the 3rd day in June in 1963, I will remain Kevin Andrew, the righteous, and this story belongs to Earth and to the future of our life with a generous God who does pay attention to us and returns to us that which we give.

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