The History of the Gospel through Art

This section of the IBFURY.COM website provides a complete history of the Gospel’s artwork from 2015 to 2023. The design concept has remained the same throughout these years of the book’s long journey. The 2023 version of the book cover, enhanced by Lion Leaf Publishing, turned out spectacular and has garnered good feedback and much interest. The 2023 cover represents years of effort involving family members and several production teams. It is well worth owning a hard copy. The hardcover and download are available on AMAZON.COM, with links included on this website. The satisfaction of owning the hard cover is an irreplaceable experience. The writer sees the production of Special Collectors Editions in the not-too-distant future.

The Evolution of Concepts & Design

The Gospel of Fury: The Gemini Star
Book Baby e-Book Only 2015

Below is a copy of the original artwork crafted by the writer’s daughter and used for the First Edition of the Gospel (spray paint on cardboard 2015).

The symbol below is named the Gemini Star. The symbolism includes the Christian Cross and the Heavenly Sword of Justice rising from the Earth. The ‘cross’ and the ‘sword’ are interlocked forever within the symbolism of the Gemini Star.
The Gemini Star symbol was documented by the actual writer through images and visions provided to him by God, Heaven, and Grace (or so the story goes).
The entities God, Heaven and Grace do work in mysterious ways, according to everything we know, which turn out to be not so mysterious during this, the Age of God. Explore Fury 3.0 now to find the real answers to the changing of the Age at the year 2000.

Only The Gospel of Fury can validate the chaos we are all living through and only The Gospel of Fury accurately depicts what the chaos means. Order your book today, read the parts that may appeal to you, and find out how God, without questions or ambiguity, arranged the Second Coming with perfection beyond comprehension.
Be a witness and offer your testimony, read Parts Four and Five to directly and quickly witness how God, Heaven, and Grace arranged the Second Coming so perfectly at exactly the right time, coinciding with the crossing of the year 2000, Christ’s millennial anniversary. Witness the changing of the world as seen through the eyes of I.B. Fury and The Gospel of Fury. Witness the words that confirm we have moved out of the Age of Sacrifice and have entered the Age of Answers at precisely the year 2000. This change affects our whole world, all of us!

The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe
Westbow Press 2017

Below is a copy of the original artwork, also created by the writer’s daughter (spray paint and paint on paper card stock). Created specifically for The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe 2017.

The design of the book cover includes the elements of the Sun, the Gemini Star in the center, and the clock face on the outside, representing the Wheel of Human Emotion.

The initials ZEP, appearing on the 2017 cover, are the initials of the writer’s daughter. The writer’s journey, together with the cover art started as a family project, and throughout the book’s editions, and the many years, the book has finally come together with Fury 3.0 in 2023.
The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe, self-published in 2017 was intended as a warning. The 2017 edition provides authenticity and establishes providence, the writer understood then, writing on faith alone, what was coming our way in the spirit of the Highest Power, the Supreme Being, the Master Creator of Galaxies, God.

The Gospel of Fury: The Gemini Star
Gold Touch Press 2019

Some of the original artwork from 2015 was included for this edition of both books (2019) incorporated by the Gold Touch
Press Production team.

The back cover has remained the same through most of the editions except for the The Gospel of Fury: The Gemini Star 2019. The back cover from 2019 is shown below for easy reading.

In this prequel to The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe; Angel Fury explores the natures of his close-knit family members. He confirms his belief that his life at the center is continually adding up to events that are revealing God’s plaintiff history. He sees our modern world through the being of an Angel on Earth and knows that God will not enable mankind’s rest until mankind understands the acceptable path to the future that God is shaping. Angel Fury does his level best to explain the predicament mankind has created for himself during the first two-thousand years of recorded history, since the time when the son-of-God first walked the Earth.

Born on June 3rd, 1963; which is the very same day that Pope John XXIII passed away, and 53 days following April 11, 1963, when Pope John delivered his papal encyclical Pacem in Terris (lit. Peace on Earth); Angel on Earth “Fury” stakes his life on the claims that God has delivered the modern words necessary for mankind to re-establish balance between Heaven and Earth. Fury thrives with the purpose of delivering God’s words that establish His kindness and love for man. Fury expresses God’s need for our future in togetherness, but not under terms that leave our history unaddressed and unsettled; Fury fills us with the unanswered and unsettled details which leave a hole in heaven’s heart. Fury fills the hole and shares another view of history, God’s view.

The World of Make Believe
Gold Touch Press 2019

The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe (Fury 2.5) Third Edition
Wordhouse Press 2022

The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe (Fury 3.0) Fourth Edition
Lion Leaf Publishing 2023

The back cover has remained the same through most of the editions. This is true except for The Gospel of Fury: The Gemini Star 2019 (back cover reproduced above). The back cover material from The Gospel of Fury: The World of Make Believe 2017, 2019, 2022, and 2023 is reproduced below for easy viewing.

Mankind exists today during the time when the first epoch passes into his second epoch; mankind passes from childhood to adulthood; youth and our simple existence gives way to accountability and responsibility; two-thousand years have passed since the son-of-God walked the Earth; God has now delivered His modern message through the powerful gospel. Angel Fury enables the progressive words necessary to embrace the past, and to mold the future as the shepherd intends. God did send what He promised at just the right time giving all things to the one life of Angel Fury. The one life presents the meaning we need to place ourselves safely onto the path the shepherd plans for, and to enable us to understand the history He shaped. Explore the modern gospel, be a good skeptic; weigh the stars of reality; embrace the keys to unlock His mystery and know that God has sent His modern mission.

I.B. Fury presents the modern gospel using facts that God provided. Heavenly stars and keys have successfully unlocked God’s modern mystery. God provides more than faith alone for a modern civilization that requires good skeptics to make careful decisions for us all. Understanding that God has delivered what He promised is a good first step; reading the gospel as a healthy skeptic is a good choice; knowing He sent the gospel for the entire world He shepherds provides a good sense of reality. These words a ring true; be a real skeptic and read carefully. There are things blowing in the wind that matter to Heaven and Earth; this story brings Heaven and Earth closer together for today’s progressive world. God’s Angel Fury is at the heart of our chaotic lives as the world spins within God’s creative design.

Use the link here to order your copy of Fury 3.0.
Go for the hard copy, own a piece of history.